Usage Rates

Type of Communication

Usage Rate

$10 Will Give You Approx.


$0.0024 / email

4165 emails

Email Verification

$0.005 / email verification

2000 email verifications


$0.0158 / segment

(1 segment is equal to an SMS of 160 characters)

635 segments

Phone (outgoing)

$0.028 / minute

355 calls

Phone (incoming)

$0.017 / minute

590 calls

Workflow AI

$0.075 / workflow premium action

135 worflow AI actions

Premium Triggers & Actions

$0.02 / workflow premium action

500 premium actions

Content AI

$0.225 / 1000 words

44,445 words

Image AI

$0.15 / 1000 words

65 images

Conversational AI

$0.06 / message

165 messages

Pricing updated 8-2023